Bad Taste Is Expensive

Bad Taste Is Expensive

If you're drinking cheaper stuff when you go out in order to save money, you might want to give this article a little click.



The Gospel of Color, ABV, and Filtration

The Gospel of Color, ABV, and Filtration

As you continue to read about whiskey, you're bound to run across these three terms. Are they important? Yes. Are they what necessarily define a good product? Not necessarily, I argue. 

How to Drink Your Whiskey

How to Drink Your Whiskey

Truth be told, there's no single answer, and be wary of anyone who tells you otherwise. You can pour Talisker 25 into a big cup of Sunny Delight if that's how you enjoy it best. However, there are a few things I've learned.

Ways to Try a Lot of Stuff

Ways to Try a Lot of Stuff

People ask all the time how to venture down the rabbit hole of spirits with a minimum of time and energy. While it will take money and time to discover what you like, there are a few hacks to the process.

Recommended Scotches for Beginners

Recommended Scotches for Beginners

Scotch is a pretty daunting product category. If you're wondering where to start and what to buy so you don't end up doing a spit take like a cartoon character when you take your first sip, I have you covered.